make your gift now and feel good all year long
Gifts of every amount
make a big difference
$5 per month/$60 per year purchases a new pair of toe stoppers for our adaptive riders
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$10 per month/$120 per year gets 2 new helmets
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$15 per month/$180 per year buys 25 bags of shavings
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$20 per month/$244 per year provides specialized equipment for therapy services
Consistency is key — whether it’s a therapy client building strength and independence or an adaptive rider gaining confidence in the saddle, regular sessions make all the difference. By joining our Partners in Possibilities monthly donor program, you provide the stability we need to ensure the best horses, therapists, instructors, and programs all year long.
Your ongoing support means more breakthroughs, more smiles, and more possibilities for every participant who counts on Mane Stream.
Contact Trish with questions or if you need to make a change to your monthly gifts. or 908-439-9636.