1. Volunteer Training Manual: This manual will start you on the right path with the information and tools you will need to be an effective and productive volunteer. Our hope is that by reading this manual and attending our orientation and mentoring, you will be provided with a solid foundation that will enable you to become an important part of the Mane Stream team and that your time spent with us will be safe, fun, and rewarding. Mane Stream appreciates all of our volunteers. Without you and the gift of your time, energy, and skills, we would not be able to offer these valuable services to our community. Volunteer Training Manual

  2. Volunteer Training Videos: These videos are a required step in the new volunteer training process as well as a resource for current volunteers to brush up on Mane Stream policies & procedures. Please watch ALL the videos, then take the quiz at the bottom of the page. Volunteer Training Videos

  3. Updating Your VOLGISTICS Profile Every Few Months: Login by clicking the VOLGISTICS link below. Once you are logged in click on the "My Profile" tab.
    Update all the information especially your availability. Please include assignment preferences so we know what other programs you are interested in here at Mane Stream. Check out the "My Service History" tab to see how many hours you have volunteered! The under the "Account" tab please check your messages preferences! Please opt-in to receive General Communication and Assignment Cancellations. This will make it easier for us to contact you regarding your service with Mane Stream. Want to get text messages? You must follow the steps to opt-in for that option under the "Account" tab if you choose! Update Now

  4. Directions to Mane Stream: Please use these directions to assist you in arriving on time for your scheduled time slot. Directions

  5. Volunteer Tips & Daily Procedures: Mane Stream recognizes the importance of our dedicated volunteers, and the success of our program depends on them. Hopefully, these tips will help our volunteers to feel confident in their abilities to help our riders & therapy clients. Thank you for your time and assistance! Volunteer Tips & Daily Procedures

  6. Head Barn Volunteer Position Description: During Spring, Summer, and Fall Adaptive Riding Sessions we need one really organized person to help keep things running smoothly. Are you interested? Check out this position description to see if this might be what you are looking for. Head Barn Volunteer Position Description

  7. Additional Volunteer Opportunities: In addition to helping in the barn, and helping with Adaptive Riding Lessons and Therapy Sessions we are always looking for people to help in a variety of ways. Check this list out to see just how you might be able to make a bigger impact to the Mane Stream Mission. Additional Volunteering Opportunities