Alanna's Para-Dressage Nationals Experience

USEF Para-Dressage National Championship/CPEDI3* (Oct. 23-25)


Taco and I wrapped up the USEF Para-Dressage National Championship and CPEDI3* at Tryon International Equestrian Center! 2020 has been filled with many challenges for everyone, but Taco has been the bright light of my year through it all.

When the pandemic started, my trainer Sara Schmitt made sure I had a safe way to continue riding and training. She and her assistant trainer, Maggie O’Leary, have helped me push and focus on certain aspects of my riding. We worked on things such as developing Taco’s gaits, my confidence to ride more forward in the trot work, my accuracy and geometry, my ability to school him myself, and my feel as a rider.


All our hard work paid off! We had three consistent and quality rides with our scores increasing each day. We rode in a big, brand new arena and Taco felt the most relaxed at any show we’ve ever attended. I felt like our rides were the most harmonious at a show yet! Most importantly, I had the most fun and felt more confident going into the ring with him than before.

Taco and I are now Grade 2 National Champions and 3rd overall in the 2020 National Championship!

If you want to learn more about Para-Dressage check out my website and FB Page or feel free to ask me any questions!
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Alanna Flax-Clark Para Equestrian