Summer Camp Update

We’re mid-way and “Mornings at Mane Stream” are going marvelously!

Mandatory temperature checks for everyone!

Mandatory temperature checks for everyone!

We're keeping things safe with small groups each week, mandatory temperature checks each morning, and masks when we aren't riding. Despite the limited space, we've seen a lot of returning smiling campers this year! While we are missing our volunteer buddies, campers are really thriving in a more independent atmosphere. Our year-round adaptive riders are enjoying grooming and tacking at camp while learning from some visiting riders. While the days are shorter, it just means our mornings are jam-packed with riding and horse care. With such busy mornings, social distancing has been a breeze and the campers (and Miss Kelly) are constantly coming in with some pretty cool masks.

The horses are loving the attention after having a very quiet spring. All our campers are doing a great job helping us keep them in shape until we can open our schedule back up fully. They are even dusting off the jumping skills for Dorito, Buzz, Judge, Po, and Joe! Smaller groups of campers means tons of opportunities to ride different horses. Campers may need to work on their half-halts one day with Po and get a leg workout the next day on Joe. It's been a great way to make everyday fun and challenging for each rider. While for most of the campers it's all about the cantering and jumping, there’s still time for a few summer favorite games like ride-a-buck and musical stalls!

It's been a pretty hot couple of weeks, so water balloon fights are sorely missed but we're keeping cool with plenty of pow-wows in the shade. There have been homemade horse treats and a few rousing games of horse-themed Pictionary as well to help us stay cool and entertained. Campers are rising to the challenge to draw some pretty hard topics like barrel racing and dressage. There have been a few great portraits drawn of Miss Jen as well, complete with her signature bun and sunglasses!

This year Jane, Jen, Mel, Ivy, and Kelly are joined by special guest Kathy Dermody--you may recognize her from the annual horse show as our esteemed judge--and volunteers Ellie and Hannah. We are missing Holland but thrilled about her new addition, Hadleigh!

Hard to believe but we are more than halfway through with the summer--time flies when you are having fun. If you want to see more of the camp shenanigans (Miss Kelly has returned complete with glitter and fairy wings) keep your eye on the Mane Stream Instagram and Facebook--Louisa, Rebecca, and Alanna have been doing an amazing job of posting the fun.

Only 4 more weeks!

Written by:
Jane Banta, Interim Camp Director