50 People for 50 Years: Victoria Ponte, Adaptive Rider
Victoria Ponte at the 2015 Horse Show
Embracing all of the opportunities and possibilities that Mane Stream has to offer, Victoria Ponte has been part of the Mane Stream community for the past 22 years. A debilitating stroke, in her sixth month of pregnancy, upended Victoria’s life. Previously extremely active, she realized she would not be able to do some of the things she once did. Through various meetings and appointments, adaptive riding was suggested to Victoria. With little knowledge of what it was, Victoria discovered Mane Stream. Tentative at first with a combination of both fear and excitement, Victoria began a long road to recovery. Over the years, small steps turned into a fast trot, and Victoria won her first horse show in 2014, with the highest score as an individual rider. Through perseverance, time, and hard work, Victoria slowly gained confidence to become an independent rider.
Experiencing both adaptive riding and physical therapy on a horse, Victoria thinks that therapy is much more difficult and challenging than adaptive riding. She explains, “I started with adaptive riding in 2000, and did not try Mane Stream’s therapy services until about 3 years ago. It was a hard transition because therapy is done with no saddle, stirrups or reins, all of which I was accustomed to using in adaptive riding for many years. It was more work to stay on the horse using my core muscles to control where my body was going.”
She participates in Mane Stream’s Annual Horse Show yearly to demonstrate to her family just how much she has accomplished and progressed with her riding skills. Jen Dermody, an Advanced CTRI and Victoria’s long-time instructor states, “I admire Victoria’s resilience and determination as she continually strives for excellence.”
Although all of the horses are special at Mane Stream, Victoria’s favorite is Tink. She continues, “The facility is beautiful, and with all of the horses I have ridden, they have all been perfect for me. I really appreciate the efforts of the volunteers without whom I could not participate in the program. I really love Mane Stream.” Victoria’s commitment and fidelity to the programs offered at Mane Stream is evident. She attributes her success to the many instructors and volunteers who give their time in working with and helping others. Victoria has a favorite thought about her instructor, “Jen is a brilliant juggler with many different skills and abilities, she expects me to ride as if I don’t have a disability.”
With Victoria’s long relationship with Mane Stream and her love of riding, she says, “Mane Stream has provided a fun, safe, way for me to enjoy strenuous exercise as a disabled person. It has been a social outlet for me as well.”