'Twas the Holiday Party and…

‘Twas the holiday party, and all through the barn,
the horses were waiting for treats that they yearned.

Their stockings were hung by their stalls with care,
in hopes that their friends soon would be there.

The staff was a bustle preparing some food,
and everyone seemed in a holiday mood

Soon guests arrived with grins ear to ear,
excited to see the whole herd was now here.

One by one they came by all smiling happily,
participants, friends, instructors, and families.

There were treats for the herd and people abound,
though Dorito left many of his on the ground.

Judge and Tux watched the door and greeted each person,
accepting all treats without any coercion.

Minnie and Tink many peppermints ate,
and had the staff worried their stomachs would ache.

Peanut was smiling, Buzz was so lively,
while Cody ate all of his treats so politely.

Bubbles and Mickey gobbled treats with delight,
and all would agree it was such a fun night

There were presents for horses and pictures were taken,
fun had by all, the holiday spirit awakened.

And as everyone drove off in the cold winters night,
we wished all a Happy Holiday and to all a good night!

by Jennifer Smith, Development & Communications Assistant