Volunteer Workdays Save Us $$$!

Mane Stream has always cherished the value of teamwork and collaboration. As Helen Keller once said, "Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much." This sentiment truly embodies the spirit of our Mane Stream. We rely on the selflessness and dedication of volunteers to fulfill our mission.

This spring we were fortunate to host 3 work groups. The volunteers helped with lots of jobs around the farm including scrubbing stalls and water buckets, weeding flower beds, cleaning tack, sorting shoes, painting our therapy clinic, and a multitude of other tasks! Employees from Teva Pharmaceuticals, Deloitte and students from Ridge High School, brought their enthusiasm and muscles to tackle all of the chores on our TO DO list that keep our barn and facility running smoothly and looking great! Each group of 15 to 20 people and spent 3-4 hours working at the farm. The day finished up with groups enjoying their packed lunches.

At Mane Stream, we are continuously grateful for all the hours of time donated from corporate and student workgroups as well as our weekly program volunteers. Recent statistics show that the estimated national value of a volunteer is $31.80 per hour. When you do the calculations it shows that the work groups saved us approximately $7,000 worth of work this spring alone! This highlights how crucial volunteer services are to keeping operating costs down for nonprofit organizations like Mane Stream. This allows us to put more resources towards providing our diverse programs of equine assisted activities, therapy services and educational initiatives. We can’t THANK YOU enough!!!

If you know of a corporation or group that might be interested in coming by to assist with one day or short-term projects, you can schedule your workday today by reaching out to our volunteer coordinator Emily De Jong via email at volunteer@manestreamnj.org