Ari, previously known as Lamerii in the show ring is a stunning chestnut Irish Sport Horse who joined the Mane Stream herd in December 2024. This 16.2 gelding, donated by Cheryl Rouge, has seamlessly transitioned into both the lesson program and the herd dynamic, quickly forming friendships with Don and Buzz. With his previous experience as a successful hunter competitor, Ari confidently works at the walk, trot, and canter, and jumping making him an invaluable addition to our program.
Fun fact: The name Ari carries rich meanings across cultures!
In Hebrew, it translates to "lion," symbolizing strength, courage, and leadership.
In Badaga, it means "sun-like."
And in Korean, it signifies "pretty, lovely, and beautiful."
Weβre thrilled to have Ari, whose noble nature perfectly matches the meaning of his name, as part of the Mane Stream family! π΄β¨