What is a DAF?

Donor-Advised Funds (DAF)

Mane Stream is proud to be a founding launch partner for DAF Day on October 10th! It's a new giving day to redefine how Donor-Advised Funds (DAF) are used and who uses them. And the timing couldn't be better! DAFs are proven to increase generosity and are easier to use than ever before.

It’s true: DAF holders increase their annual giving by 96%. And now, DAF-ing (yep, that’s a new verb!) is becoming easier than ever, making it a no-brainer when supporting your favorite nonprofits, like Mane Stream!

Join the fastest-growing group of donors by becoming a DAF-er!

Meet volunteer, Anne Davenport: someone who DAFs for Mane Stream. Anne DAFs because…

“Our DAF simplifies giving – especially of appreciated securities. With one donation to the DAF at the time of greatest tax advantage, we can support Mane Stream and the organizations we care about with efficiency and ease.”

~ Anne Davenport

If you don’t have a DAF yet, you’re not alone: only 17% of the general population does. It’s not too late to join the fastest-growing donor group and we’d love for you to be able to DAF by October 10th.

If you are interested in a DAF account to fulfill your philanthropy goals please reach out to your financial advisor for more information.