The Caring Community

What Mane Stream means to Michelle & Gemma

Written by Michelle Lawse

Gemma & Michelle Lawse with Dorito (retired)

Three years ago or so now, my then 7-year-old daughter, Gemma, expressed interest in riding horses.  While Gemma is developmentally normal, she had been in occupational therapy to improve vestibular strength.  Since neither myself nor my husband spent time around horses, we didn’t know how that would work with riding.  There were many unknowns and general safety concerns. Fortunately, I had been talking to my friend, Emily Mailett Kellogg, an avid rider and member of the Mane Stream Board of Directors.  Her advice, visit Mane Stream! 

So, we came to the farm with Emily so she could introduce me to Jen Dermody, Director of Program Services, and Trish Hegeman, Executive Director.  Shortly thereafter, I brought Gemma in for a free screening and ever since then she has looked forward to her weekly adaptive riding time. Gemma’s Mane Stream experiences include more than riding and summer camp though. Last year, in third grade she was horribly bullied at school and it became clear we needed to help her find herself.  While we wish she was never put in a situation that led to counseling, she started therapy at Mane Stream and it was the perfect place for her to rebuild her mental wellness. Each week after riding with Kelly Champion, PATH Intl. Certified Instructor, she went straight to therapy with Lori Rockmore, Psy.D, and had nothing but support from everyone. We are eternally grateful Gemma has this safe place for her to escape and work through her thoughts with so many people there to lift up her spirits.

With all the time Gemma spends at Mane Stream, I was struck by the caring community of staff and volunteers. I saw first-hand the support offered to her but also all the support given to everyone of all abilities. 

That is what motivated me to make a difference in someone’s life and I began volunteering. Not standing behind a horse’s rear was the extent of my horse knowledge so I had a lot to learn but everyone has been so welcoming and helpful throughout my journey. 

I’ve now been a side walker for almost 1 year no working alongside amazing people and new friends.  It has been such a rewarding experience being able to help children as so many helped my daughter. Volunteering at Mane Stream and watching riders become more comfortable on the horses and seeing them smile as they ride is an indescribable feeling.  I am honored to be a member of this team. 

And we are honored to have Michelle and Gemma in our farm family!